Monday, 18 January 2016

Tired, tired, tired

Went for two tuition today - Celine's & Jovan's.

And then head back home. Showered, eaten, done some household chores and then studied.
Eczema on my face is getting worse :(

Just a really mundane day today

Days like this make me miss sweetheart even more.
My mundane days were never mundane when he was around.

I feel like I'm breathing but I'm not living.

Everyday this mantra keeps repeating in my head: tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better. Emotions come and go. Emotions come and go. Emotions come and go.

Some days I work passionately thinking that I can make a huge difference in my students' lives - being so enthusiastic, full of energy and cheery.

Some days parents' expectations push me beyond the realms of my passion and I have to unleash that really austere, aloof sides in me towards my students.

It has been years that I have been wondering... can there ever be a balance?

I don't like to be a fierce teacher that my students will hate, but it can't be helped that the parents are pushing me too much. If there is anything that I dislike the most about my job, this must be it.

I believe there is something bigger in life waiting for me to reach them rather than indulging in this conflicting career crisis I am facing.

 Where are you and what are you, the bigger thing in my life?

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